First Time Mum · Parenthood

Our first Christmas as a family of three…

Baby, it’s cold outside…

Christmas has always, always been my favourite time of year. People know me as one of those that gets a little bit over enthusiastic about it, especially as the excitement for me starts around September when all the Christmassy bits arrive in the shops. I just love everything about winter; the cold, frosty mornings and getting snuggly at night with a book and fluffy pyjamas. Since I moved out of mum and dad’s house I don’t feel quite as excited as I used to though, it just hasn’t felt the same since then even though I make our cottage feel really cosy and traditional in the winter. It seems to feel more Christmassy when there’s more people in the house and Luke doesn’t have the same Christmas spirit that I do.


But, now that we have Reuben this will all change and my Christmases now have a whole new meaning. I’m not bothered about receiving gifts anymore, the thing that’ll make me the most happy on Christmas morning is making it as magical as possible for Reuben, just like my mum always did for me and my sister. And by magical, I don’t mean that I need to buy him as many gifts as possible (even though me and my sister have always been incredibly spoilt on Christmas Day morning), I just want him to feel like Christmas is amazing and special. I want him to feel all the excitement that I used to at mum and dad’s, I literally couldn’t sleep for excitement even way beyond the Santa days.


This December has been lovely but hasn’t gone entirely to plan so far. Our car pretty much blew up on me as I was driving it and has been at the garage for the last two weeks so I’m feeling a little claustrophobic in the house at the moment. I feel like I’m missing out on going to the shops and going for a wander to soak up all the Christmas vibes. There is nothing near me other than fields which is lovely but a little lonely! I also hate having to rely on people to ferry me around to the places I need to be. Reuben has a bad cold and chesty cough so isn’t eating or drinking very much and that’s making me feel quite anxious, but hopefully he will be feeling better by next week. The kitchen is also still in progress, we expected it to be finished by now. It’s very nearly done but we are still waiting for a couple of appliances and for the worktops to be fitted so it isn’t properly functional yet. We’re still using the makeshift kitchen in the dining room so the house feels very upside down still.


My decorations seem to be the same every year but I just love them. Our living room feels so cosy. There is a slight change though because we now have three stockings above the fireplace instead of two. I’ve also been lighting the candles more this year to keep the house smelling festive, my favourite is a ‘Christmas Spice’ candle from the Sainsbury’s Home range. We have a real tree again this year, I wasn’t going to as we have less space because Reuben’s toys are everywhere but I just felt like we had to with it being his first Christmas. We got ours from Ikea again, such an amazing price at £29 and you get an Ikea voucher for £20 so it’s well worth it!


Reuben is only nine months old so he doesn’t have a clue what’s going on, but I am still keeping all of his wrapped presents hidden until Christmas Eve night when I’ll bring them all downstairs after he’s gone to bed. We are spending Christmas Day at my parents house which we are really looking forward to, they’ve bought Reuben a baby walker and he will have plenty of space to roam around at their house. Boxing Day we will be heading to Luke’s family, providing our car is back! This year I am going to try and spread out the Christmas activities as far as possible; I’m usually feeling depressed by Boxing Day and wanting to take the tree down because I feel like it’s all over! This time I want to feel all Christmassy right up until New Year.

Thank you for reading, and I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas.


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